Secocut Programma Rascheta Rezhimov Rezaniya

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Orientation Workshop on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys’ Date: 03-04 May 2016 Venue: Ankara Turkey The Orientation Workshop on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ was organised and hosted by SESRIC in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CDC Foundation on 3-4 May 2016 at SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara, Republic of Turkey. Ofortnij stanok svoimi rukami. The said Workshop had the objective to provide additional information and technical support to the OIC Member Countries in integrating TQS into their on-going surveys. The Workshop was attended by experts from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of Azerbaijan, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Qatar, Tajikistan, and Togo, and Ministry of Health of Morocco. The representatives of the CDC, CDC Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO), WHO Country Office of Turkey, Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority of Turkey (TAPDK), Yıldırım Beyazıt University, and Turkish Green Crescent (YESILAY) also participated in the Workshop. Following the Welcoming Remarks of Ms. Zehra Zumrut SELCUK, Director of Statistics and Information Department of SESRIC on behalf of H.E.
Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General of SESRIC, Mr. Brandon TALLEY, Associate Vice President for Programs of CDC Foundation, Dr. Toker ERGUDER, National Professional Officer of WHO Country Office of Turkey, the Workshop covered the following topics: • Tobacco Burden: Overview of global tobacco burden • Monitoring and Surveillance: The importance of monitoring the tobacco epidemic and an overview of GTSS and related components (GATS, GYTS, and TQS). • TQS Survey Questions: Details on the development and contact of TQS questions; plus examples of successful implementation. • Implementation Guidelines: Methodological guidelines for integrating TQS questions into existing surveys. • Proposal Development: Preparing and submitting the TQS application form; commitment letters of agreement; expectations under the agreement. • Analysis and Dissemination: Analysing the TQS questions; preparing TQS tables and/or fact sheet (deliverables); dissemination of findings and using the data for action.
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