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Amerika, unfinished by, written between 1912 and 1914 and prepared for publication by in 1927, three years after the author’s death. The manuscript was entitled Der Verschollene (“The Lost One”). Kafka had published the first chapter separately under the title Der Heizer (“The Stoker”) in 1913. The narrative concerns the efforts of young Karl Rossmann, newly arrived in America, to find his place in an and hostile society. The account of his expulsion from his parents’ household in Prague following an affair with the family cook exhibits the distortion of memory that characterizes much of Kafka’s best work. Early scenes of Karl’s passage to America, during which he encounters the ship’s dejected stoker, are similarly stylized. The narration becomes increasingly conventional, however, in the later sections recounting Karl’s exploitation by relatives, acquaintances, and strangers.
The novel breaks off just as the protagonist has seemingly found his with the traveling Oklahoma Theater. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Senior Editor.
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