Vaslj Bika Nezagojnaya Rana Sachinenne

Born 5 December 1511, Died 7 November 1562 (1562-11-07) (aged 50), Jodhpur, India Spouse several wives including Issue 15 sons and 23 daughters including Father Mother Padma Kumari Religion Maldev Rathore (5 December 1511 – 7 November 1562) was an Indian ruler of, which was later known as (in the present day state of ). He was a scion of the clan.
Khas people (Nepali: खस. The Rana monarch Jung Bahadur decreed that the term Gorkhali be used instead of Khas kur. Bika, Kami, Lohar, Sunar, Od, Chunanra.
His father was and his mother was Rani Padmavati of. Rao Maldev fought in the as a young prince, the defeat at Khanwa greatly weakened all the Rajput kingdoms in India, but under Maldev's capable rule turned into a powerful Rajput Kingdom that resisted foreign rule and challenged them for northern supremacy. Maldev refused to ally with either the or the after regained control of north India in 1555. This policy was continued by his son and successor. The then Persian historian calls him as the 'most Potent Ruler of Hindustan'. Nizamuddin Ahmad in Tabaqat-i-Akbari calls Maldev as the 'greatest of the rajas of Hind'.
According to Abul Fazl- Maldev was the most powerful ruler of the region 'both in rank and position and for the number of servants and the extent of his territories.' Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Family [ ] Maldev was born on 5 December 1511 as the eldest son of, the Rathore ruler of Marwar. His mother, rani Padma Kumari, was a princess from the Deora kingdom of. By the time he ascended the throne in 1532, Maldev already enjoyed the reputation of being an intrepid warrior. Traditional and popular accounts list him amongst the most important rulers that Marwar has known. Expansion [ ] Rao Maldev inherited from his father the districts of Jodhpur and Pali, with Jodhpur as capital. The period of Rao Maldev's reign was marked by the paucity of a dominant power in northern India.
In 1540, fled into exile after being displaced by as ruler of the. The rulers of were yet to recover from their defeat at in 1527. Maldev used the opportunity to extend his territory.
He annexed,,,,,,,,,,,. By regaining the territories of, and from occupation, Maldev Rathore restored rule in the area and abolished the there. His northern boundary at was only about fifty kilometers from Delhi. According to Satish Chandra- 'Maldevs kingdom comprised of almost the whole of western and eastern Rajasthan including Sambhal and Narnaul. His armies could be seen as far as the outskirts of Agra. Visual basic 2010 tutorial pdf bahasa indonesia.
Chandra also says that, Maldev had the mirage of reviving the 8th century Rashtrakuta empire. But unlike Rana Sanga he did not have the support of the Rajput tribes and politically no empire based in Rajasthan alone could challenge or defeat an empire that stretched from Punjab to the Upper Ganga valley.' This was pointing towards Maldevs hope of competing with the Mughal and Sur empires. Aid to Rana Udai Singh [ ] The nobles of Mewar asked Rao Maldev for help against the usurper Banbir.
Maldev thus sent his famous commanders Jaita and Kumpa to Udai Singh's help. They defeated Banbir at the battle of Maholi and re-instated Udai Singh as the Rana of Mewar. This was the only battle in which Maldev Rathore and Udai Singh worked together as they continued to be rivals for most of their lives. Maldev and Humayun [ ] Maldev Rathore had made an alliance with the Mughal emperor Humayun against Sher Shah Suri. But shortly after Humayun was defeated in the battles of Chaunsa and Kannouj by the Afghan emperor. Humayun upon losing most of his territories turned to Maldev for help and was called to Marwar for refuge by the Rao.