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New to Guild Wars 2? Check out our. Returning player? Strives to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world.
Please include the word 'spoiler' if your submission potentially contains a spoiler. Subreddit Wiki • • • • Please do not • Post exploits. If you happen to find an exploit send details and evidence about it to • Image macros or no context images • Post to stir up drama. • Use this subreddit as an alternative way of contacting customer support. • Post low-effort/-value posts.
• Post just to advertise your stream, event streams are fine. • Post to look for / advertise a guild, use. • Use this subreddit as LFG. • Exchange items (Sell/Buy/Donations). [Optional description](#s 'Spoiler goes here') Content Filters • • • • • • • • • • Related Subreddits • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (Guild Wars 1) • • • •. So Lazarus is back and wants to gain our trust, Marjory says he's touched death, gives us the finger, and walks off with him, and now Caithe is standing guard over Aurene.
What's your opinion on all this? I personally hope that our trust isn't won easily; I get that Lazarus helped defend Aurene but the Mursaat don't have a fantastic track record when it comes to trustworthiness so the change of heart is pretty suspicious. EDIT: An interesting thing to note is the Mursaat tablets scattered around the Fire Islands, and that they are written from the perspective of a Mursaat and has the tone that the writer thinks the Mursaat did everything they could to compensate for the other races that had, in their view, already given up, and decided it'd be better to just leave. The idea that Marjory wants to resurrect Belinda is really interestung and would explain, why she was so cold to us and wouldn't listen to anything we say. However trusting Lazarus is another story.
I think he will actually aid us in defeating the elder dragons. When the last one falls, most of their magic will probalby be absorbed by Aurene. When this time comes, I think Lazarus will betray us and try to kill Aurene to take all the magic for himself. Concerning the lore tablets, they are written from the perspective of the mursaat, so its questionable, if they are trustworthy.
2018's Rules • Hack quest lasts 7 days, from 20:00 October 21 to 19:59 October 28 (each task starts at 8 PM Moscow Time (UTC+3, ); • One task a day. Task duration: 24 hours; • 7 tasks in total; • The first person to solve the task gets an invite; • The second and third participants to solve the task will also earn points. Simio simulation crack cocaine. The second one gets 0.5 point, the third—0.25. 1 point will get you 1 invitation, but not more than one per one competitor; • To prevent cheating, you may be asked to describe the steps you performed to solve the task; • It's prohibited to share hints and flags with other participants; • Do not register more than one account per a participant; • Current date and time: 2019-03-10 12:43:35 Good luck and have fun!