Norfolk Southern Locomotive Engineer Training Handbook Manual

I have 18yrs with NS. The worst was the 5 years of my life working as an Operations Supervisor. The amount of pressure the higher ups place on your shoulders is intentional. They keep the revolving door turning so that they can keep the salaries low.
Norfolk Southern Locomotive Engineer Training Handbook. Spreadsheets, and where Applicable includes: Courses, Manuals. Yahoo!-ABC News Network. Central to Great Eastern sections of the LNER and onto the Southern Region. The entries are highly selective. Western Region locomotive to former Southern depot: hence lack. Norfolk Southern Locomotive Engineer Training Handbook. Norfolk Southern Railway Locomotive Roster. The files are in the PDF format and you must have Adobe. [PDF] LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER TRAINING HANDBOOK - In this site isn`t the same as a solution manual you buy in a book store or download off the web.
This leads to management with no experience and there is no incentive for employees to advance out of the ranks. The culture is in ruins and everyone is quitting for better jobs now as NS completes their “clean sheeting” process for its investors. The long term impact this will have is very negative and may leave this company in position to be acquired by another Class 1. After computing the regular 60+ hours a week, your hourly wage is very small.
Do not work here and if you do, I told you so. They get you with the pay and benefits but management is always trying to fire you or write you up over anything they can so they get a bigger bonus and they are cutting jobs left and right and contracting out our jobs while the hire ups keep getting pay raises and bonuses, and they do not care about you or your safety they just want more from you while they are waiting to get rid of you, my first day there someone who was there 15 years said congratulations on getting in now they’ll spend the rest of your career trying to fire you and I thought he was joking but now I know how true it is. You would do well to steer clear of this pit.
The people here are a miserable lot. Gossip, lies, bullies, harassment. From the front office right on down the line. Most of your fellow enployees will make a point to go in the office and slander.Will steal your tools if ya leave your locker open. The klub 17 poses.
It really is like junior high and the management is largely a joke. Only a few good souls there. Honestly do not know how they live on a daily without wanting to walk away. If you do go here, after the initial hiring process, they never drug test again.
If there is even a rumor it might happen, those with tenure find out and mark off. That is one bonus for you if you roll that way. Feel free to booze it up or smoke up.
They never check. But they will check your hearing from time to time.
Just not real concerned with how safe ppl are showing up to work still buzzed or red eyed. Take your tools and run. Definitely run if you are a chick. They treated them like dirt.