Meta Medium Lfc Shrift

6 matches Found none that are a perfect match. There are 3 around that come close, the Fago Normal Black Caps (Ole Schaefer, 1999) and the Meta Bold Caps (Erik Spiekermann, 1991), both available at and the BlissCaps ExtraBold (Designed by Jeremy Tankard for Agfa Division Bayer Corporation. The year says 1996 but the date has probably been tampered with) which is very much like the Meta, though not a clone and runs a bit wider. All 3 are fine for 'Life', but all 3 fail for 'Second'; not matching the S, c and d.
Download Meta Medium Roman. By clicking download and downloading the Font, You agree to our Terms and Conditions of Usage. Principles compiler design alfred v aho jeffrey d ullman pdf reader book.