Geek Squad Mri 5110 Soldierx

The guys at Soldier X have a tutorial on running the famous Geek Squad MRI (internal tools for Geek Squad only) from USB It's pretty straight forward just extract everything to the root, unfortunately you can not rename anything so all your other stuff will have to work around that. MRI is the tools Geek Squad uses when they charge you $100 bux to clean up your computer, remove trojans and viruses. Ir runs like 8 different virus and spyware scanners and some hardware checks. This just tells you how to install it IF you happen to be a Geek Squad member and have MRI. Distributing MRI would be illegal as it uses Best Buy's licenses for various virus scanners and what not.
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That being said, do NOT ask for it. Get you a job at Best Buy on Geek Squad if you want it. Of course you could build you a similar BartPE setup with your own licenses for the tools you use.