Dsi Hacking Without Flash Card

Sep 5, 2015 - From where would you load them if not from the flashcard on an NDS?.
Contents • • • • • • • • • Dub-T's Nintendo DSi Shop Hack Erm, doesn't this just follow from what I wrote on Hackmii? -- 11:41, 20 April 2009 (UTC) Kasu's Hack Fake? Everyone can do that using a DSi flashcard and remove it after! If it isn't a fake show us how you load the code!
-- 16:39, 20 April 2009 (UTC) DSi-only Game Exploit Well, there's the first DSi-only game out there (). Is that of any use? 00:20, 12 July 2009 (UTC) Mh, actually it's a hybrid game with extra functionality (camera) on DSi. 00:22, 12 July 2009 (UTC) There is 2 others game like this: - My Cooking Coach: Prepare Healthy Recipes [EUR] - Classic Word Games [EUR] But I don't know if DSiDev Team (include loopy, darkfader and the others on IRC) are working on it! —Preceding unsigned comment added by ( • ) 10:29, 9 July 2009 (UTC) Oh!
Team Twiizers have find an exploit (semi hardware and software, I guess)! But you're right that was one of those game who served for the exploit (Classic Word Game). —Preceding unsigned comment added by ( • ) 15:08, 9 July 2009 (UTC) ahhh, happy day. I'll be watching this closely.-- 17:28, 9 July 2009 (UTC) We could try modifying the files it copies onto the SD card from the DSi Applications. I've been trying to do this but with no success. If anyone wants to help me out email me at: the2banned2one@gmail.com.
Any help would be much appreciated. If I can get anything from this I will post it and the files here. -- 17:21, 5 August 2009 (EST) —Preceding undated comment added 21:24, 5 August 2009 (UTC).
BannerBomb Like Exploit Could we program something that can make the DSi Crash and load homebrew like the Wii's Bannerbomb? -- 18:35, 17 August 2009 (UTC) Action Replay DSi The Action Replay DSi runs in DSi Mode, has a Micro SD Card slot, and can run homebrew applications in a.nds format, could an installer program be written to install a homebrew channel on the DSi?--DSiDude I'd like to know this also, but how do you know it runs in DSi mode?-- 22:38, 21 January 2010 (UTC) According to [] the Action Replay DSi shows up as a Game and Watch collection NDS game. This automatically means it cannot support DSi mode, and is running in normal DS mode. -- neimod That IS the DSi Mode, because if you use it on a DS, it just automatically boots up the Action Replay, without going to the DS menu. I have tried this.
I don't know much about the DSi's workings but I'm pretty sure of this. --DSiDude No, it means the DSi System Menu will see it as a NDS game, not as a DSi game.
As such it will disable all DSi features and revert to DS compatibility mode. Just try to load a DSi game, and it should fail to load (DSi only), or have all DSi features disabled (DSi enhanced). -- neimod Action Replay on a DS always just boots up, that doesn't have anything to do with DSi mode -- 03:19, 24 January 2010 (UTC) Flip Note studio bug i dunno if this is of ANY use to anyone, but i found a glitch in Flipnote studio. As you may know, it accesses the SD card to see if there are any animations.
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I noticed it also tries to access the SD card when youre in a flipnote. I was making an animation, and i go to the story board mode to delete some frames. It then gave me a pop-up saying The object in the SD card slot could not be read (or something like that). It gives me that particular message because i have an SD adapter thats supposed to hold a micro sd. Anyways, just trying to be helpful. That's only useless MMC hw fail. That isn't exploitable at all.
-- 02:44, 26 November 2010 (CET) No, not that, just the odd timing of it trying to access the SD card was weird to me. Team Cyclops flashcard It's called the CycloDsi, and i guess it can access DSi features. Should that go on this exploits page? The exploits page is only for homebrew exploits, _no_ flash cards. And if you look at recent changes a news entry for that flash card was removed. -- 00:00, 19 December 2010 (CET) Only technical information regarding the internal workings of the card exploit is welcome.
Just pointing to a site that claims to have built a flashcard that has access to DSi features is NOT useful. -- 04:48, 19 December 2010 (CET) List of ideas for exploitation/hacking of latest dsi version iwantfun-a hack using download play iwantfun-an simulator/emulator like the one for ipod [this is to help hacking development] iwantfun-a costom headphone jack that plugs into computer [usb] and can access dsi files or softmod from a computer program iwantfun-there is 4 game [dsi shop] exploits that work on all system versions exept latest.make more of them. Iwantfun-a costom charger cord with usb that plugs into computer and a program described below iwantfun-a program that detects if usb cord is attached or has a manual ability called 'select a usb port'.