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› Descrizione del driver Sony Camcorder DCR-HC14E USB Driver Matrix How to install the USB driver for Windows? Extract the compressed file After downloading the file double click it so the dialog box will appear. By default your files will be extracted to your desktop in a folder called [sony_usb], if you want to change this location enter the prefered location in the dialog box. Installing the USB driver * Make sure the camera is NOT connected to the computer * Open the [sony_usb] folder on the desktop and double click the setup icon * The installation program starts up, follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation * When the installation is completed, restart the computer following the on screen instructions Connect the camera to the computer * After the computer is restarted, connect the camera to the computer properly with the supplied USB cable. Make sure the camera is turned on and the Memory stick is in the camera * The computer should now recognize the hardware, and a message to add the hardware appears. Adjectives Worksheets For First Grade.
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UMAX PowerCam 3660 Digital Camera Driver Windows 98SE UMAX PowerCam. Nome do arquivo: Version: 2.0.2 Tamanho do arquivo: 25,734 KB Data do Driver: 24 August 2012. Post navigation.