Canon Ir 2016 Download Standby Error

Dec 6, 2010 - Error is downloaad stanby ir 1023,1024if additional function key and 2,8 button not press please help me. Posted on Mar 21, 2015.
Testi po fizike 6 klass s otvetami. 한빛디엔에스 방문을 환영합니다.
I fixed the problem: 1. Unplug printer from power source and wait a few minutes. While waiting, restart the computer (I didn't shut down and reboot, just restarted it.) 3. Plug printer back into power source. Do not turn printer on immediately. Instead, hold down the STOP key on the printer and keep it pressed down as you turn the power button ON.

Aplikasi absensi karyawan 1 000. Keep holding the STOP key down until the printer has completely booted up, then release it. That got everything working again and allowed me to print my document.