Auto Number Corel Draw Script Tutorial

Game mengetik 10 jari bahasa indonesia language. By Steve Bain As anyone new to printing from a graphics application can tell you, print errors can sometimes be a scary and costly experience. Problems are often amplified if you’re faced with choosing options that you have limited experience with. If you don’t know what they are, you certainly won’t know which to choose (or which to avoid). In this tutorial, I’m going to delve specifically into the PostScript options starting with those generally available in recent versions of both CorelDRAW and Photo-PAINT in an effort to bring clarity to the murk.
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When you print from CorelDRAW®, you’re actually using the print engine to send commands to your printer. Print options use information gleaned from your print driver to enable you to control how various object types are reproduced on the printed page. It is useful to know that the PostScript tab (shown below) appears only when you have selected a PostScript printer. When the CorelDRAW print engine prepares a document for printing, these options enable you to control how the PostScript page description language is prepared for your printer. Is Your Printer Compatible? The question of printer compatibility is based on whether or not your selected printer is of the PostScript variety. Designed to make printing more efficient, PostScript printers use specific page description language to reproduce certain aspects of text and objects.
Essentially, non-PostScript printer drivers convert the entire contents of your document into a bitmapped image based on your drawing size and the material size onto which you’re printing. If you’re unsure of your printer’s compatibility, check either with your manufacturer or the documentation included with your printer.
Generally, deskjet, bubblejet, and inkjet printers are non-PostScript while imagesetters are exclusively PostScript. Ordinarily, selecting a printer and its device driver—and perhaps even the PostScript Printer Driver (PPD) file—will automatically set the Compatibility option (shown below). Compatibility will depend on how recent your printer’s PostScript technology is.
Along with everything else in the computer industry, PostScript technology has evolved over the years. Older printers may be limited to Level 1, whereas newer printers may be compatible with Level 2, or PostScript 3. If you’re sending your print job through a high-end PostScript “postprocessor” that requires Document Structuring Conventions (DSC), choose the Conform to DSC option. Postprocessors can perform complex prepress functions, such as color trapping, page shuffling, and complex signature structures.
Total Power Over Printing Bitmap Images If your PostScript printer is compatible with Level 2 or PostScript 3 standards, and either of these is selected from the Compatibility drop-down menu, the Use JPEG Compression option (shown below) becomes available. By using compression, you can decrease the size—and consequently the time—it takes to send bitmapped images to your printer, especially if they are rather large. With compression enabled, the Quality Factor slider becomes available (as shown below). Since JPEG is a “lossy” compression standard, you can use this to adjust the output quality of the printed bitmapped images. To speed up printing, you can control the print file size by altering quality, which affects compression. Connecting to Externally-Linked Files The two linking options (shown below) provide control over how your PostScript printer will handle externally-linked files in your CorelDRAW document.

The two varieties—Open Prepress Interface (OPI) and Desktop Color Separation (DCS)—refer to unique printing strategies often used by high-end printers. Maintaining OPI Links While this option is enabled (the default state), the print engine will automatically maintain external links to bitmap images imported using OPI. Torrent mixvibes pro. If you’re using OPI, you can store high-resolution bitmapped images in your printer’s internal memory and use low-resolution placeholders in your document.